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Author FAQ

Q. What is the Cozy the Day Away Sale?

A. It’s a one-day sale that happens four times a year, specifically for the cozy fantasy genre.

Q. Is it just cozy fantasy books?

A. It’s cozy fantasy and cozy fantasy “adjacent”. Content warnings will be how you guide the reader to determine what’s comfortable for their reading.

Q. Will there be a cozy adjacent category?

A. Yes, there is going to be a “cozy adjacent” category. Cozy mysteries have been an established subgenre for some time within Mystery/Thriller, but I recognize that there is some overlap. Only you can determine if your book falls into cozy fantasy. 

Q. Is this the same format as Stuff Your Kindle?

A. Not really. Stuff Your Kindle has a few limitations.

One, it is for Kindle Unlimited books on Amazon only and two, it is only for the romance genre.

Cozy the Day Away is for ebooks, paperback books, hardcover books, and audiobooks. Authors may list their books outside of Amazon, opening up all kinds of distributors and formats. We ask the authors to drop the price as low as you can without taking a loss and advertise what the savings are, ie, 25%, 50%, free, $1.00, et cetera. The idea of the sale is to generate a volume of readers finding us in one place or at one time, making it easier for them to find other cozy authors.

Q. What are the sale dates for 2024?

A. The dates are:

  • April 26th 
  • July 12th
  • October 14th
  • December 29th

Q. How does it work?

A. There is a 6-step process to join the Cozy the Day Away Sale as an author.

  1. Complete this Google Form
  2. The CDAS moderators will be notified the form has been filled out and create your author account (after confirming you are, indeed, a human and not a frog overlord) within a week
  3. After the author account has been created, the author receives an email to set up a secure password
  4. The author accesses and manages their books, then submits them for moderator approval
  5. CDAS moderators will approve books with complete information only
  6. All books are set to “Private” status by moderators until the night before the sale, then they are set to “Public” for 24 hours

    You can look at your book(s) listings before the sale date by logging in and following the steps in the “How do I edit a book I’ve already submitted?” video demo below.

Q. How do I submit a book or series?

A. This video demo shows you how to fill out the Submit a Book form, including how to apply categories. Make sure you apply the category for whichever sales you’re planning to share that book in. (You can also make one listing per series, if you’d like to submit several books as a group and link to them in the Description section.)

Q. What price am I supposed to mark my books at?

A. That’s up to you. We are not making our authors commit to free or a penny or a dollar. We encourage at LEAST a 50% drop in price to attract as many readers as possible. After all, it’s for one day. But the amount of the discount is what you can comfortable handle without taking a loss.

Reminder: YOU would be responsible for setting up your sale prices and where. I’m in charge of the list, see. Not your individual marketing, your file formats, where you list them, et cetera. Choose the one link you are listing wisely, as you want them to be directed to your author website, your Draft2Digital page, your Goodreads author page, or somewhere else. 

Q. How do I edit a book I’ve already submitted?

Found a typo? Need to change your sale date? This video shows both how to edit your book’s entry and how to change which sale the book is offered in. If you need to change the link you’ve submitted, unfortunately, you will need to fill out the Submit a Book form again.

Q. Will my links be tested before the sale date?

A. Authors will be responsible for testing their own hyperlinks. 

Q. What will the site look like on the sale date?

The site will look quiet in between sales, but on the day of the event, every book tagged with that date will be displayed. Here’s a preview of what it will look like and how to use categories:

Q. Once I opt-in to one sale date, does that lock me in for the rest of the year? Or lock in one book/series?

A. Certainly not. Once you’re approved to have an author account, you will be able to enter and remove different books in different sales. This will all be related to what tags you use in your book’s entry. (See the video “How to Edit a Book I’ve Already Submitted” for a demo of how to change tags.)

Q. I see on the consent form that you ask me about my personal diversity. Do I have to answer that?

A. Some readers only want to read books by authors who have diversity. If you consent for us to share your author diversity, we may publish that as a category on the sale date. An example: Categories could be “books with LGBTQ rep, books with disability rep, books by authors with diversity rep.” However, we consider it the right of the author to keep their diversity private if they wish, so whatever you indicate can be shared on the consent form will be honored. Author diversity that is disclosed to the public does not contain details, simply listed as “Author is Diverse/Does Not Disclose.”

Q. It sounds great, but I don’t want to/can’t participate in the next sale date. How do I remove myself from the sale?

A. If you do not want to be on the next sale, simply remove that category from your book’s profile and it will not be listed on the next sale date. The book will remain in your author profile so you won’t have to duplicate its information later.

Q. Do I need to join the Cozy the Day Away Discord to take part in a sale?

A. It’s not a requirement for authors to join the Discord channel, but it’s where readers and authors can interact about the sale. Most spaces on the Internet are reader-only or author-only, and this group is built to share space with both.

Q. Sounds amazing, I’m in! What do I do first?

A. Fill out the Google form here.

Q. Are there any promotional graphics for the sale I can use in my newsletter/on social media?

A. There are, and you can contact us at for those graphics, or see them pinned in the Discord Server>Author Arena>Cozy Sale> Promotional Artwork forum.

Q. What link should I use to promote the sale in my newsletters/social media?


Q. I have feedback/a suggestion for the next sale. Where can I send it?

A. You can contact us at

Q. I have another question that isn’t answered here. Where can I ask it?

A. You can contact us at  or post it in the Discord server at

If you ever need to contact the Cozy the Day Away organizers or moderators, you can email us at