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Reader FAQ

Q. What is the Cozy the Day Away Sale?

It’s a one-day sale that happens four times a year, specifically for the cozy fantasy genre.

Q. Is it just cozy fantasy books?

It’s cozy fantasy and cozy fantasy “adjacent”. Content warnings will be your best guide to determine what’s comfortable for reading.

Q. What are the sale dates for 2024?

The dates are:

  • April 26th 
  • July 12th
  • October 14th
  • December 29th

Q. Is this the same format as Stuff Your Kindle?

Not really. Stuff Your Kindle has a few limitations. 1), it is for Kindle Unlimited books on only Amazon and 2), it is only the romance genre. Cozy the Day Away is for ebooks, paperback books, hardcover books, and audiobooks. Authors may list their books outside of Amazon, opening up all kinds of distributors. Lastly, while the books aren’t free, they are at least 25% off, and in some cases, 50% or more!

Q. I can see the books have many diversity categories, but what is the author diversity category?

We recognize that readers often like to support authors of a certain representation, but this is the author’s choice to share or not. If an author has checked that they have diversity, this could be any of the following categories:

  • Physical disability rep
  • Mental disability rep
  • LGTBQIA+/Gender/Sexual diversity rep    
  • Global Majority rep    
  • Neurodiverse rep    
  • Religious diversity rep
  • Cultural rep
  • Body positivity

For the sake of authors’ privacy and safety, they do not have to specify which of the above representation they may be, only that they fall into one of these categories. This way the author’s privacy is safeguarded but the readers who seek diversity can find what they are looking for.

Q. Okay, I’m interested. How do I get notified about a sale before it happens?

Sign up for the newsletter and you’ll be sent two reminders: 1 month and 3 days prior to a sale date.

Q. What if I don’t want to sign up for the newsletter?

That’s totally your choice, but then you’ll have to remember the dates on your own. 🙂

Q. How do I access the list of participating authors on the sale date?

On a sale date, the list of participating authors will be made public on that date at midnight CDT. They will be sorted by subcategory and author diversity. There are also categories for book format and books that are listed for under $1.00.

Q. Can I share the sale with others?

Of course! We highly encourage using the hashtag #cozythedayaway to show off your amazing bounty.

Q. This looks like a ton of hard work by a staff of just a few humans in late-stage capitalism by someone who is running 3 businesses and only stays afloat with cinnamon rolls and strong black tea, how can I support the Cozy Sale team?

Here’s our donation information:

If you ever need to contact the Cozy the Day Away organizers or moderators, you can email us at