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Authors: Apply for an Account

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Author Application link

Authors: Submit a Book link

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There is a two-step process to submitting books: Applying for an author account and Submitting your book(s).

Applying for an Author account

Note: You’ll only need to do this part once. Once you have completed step 1 and have an account, you can log in with it and continue with step 2, submitting and/or editing your books.

To create an author account, fill out this author application form.

Please use your pen name, not your legal name, for this form. Your author name will be displayed the way you provide it to us.

Our moderators will review your application and create an account for you under your chosen pen name.

You’ll receive an email when your account has been made unless a spam filter flags it.

(Note: If you don’t receive that email within a few days, you can try the “Forgot my password” link with your author name or email to get a new, first-time link to log in with. You’ll want to change your password to something you can remember when you have logged in.)

After you have logged in to your author account, you’ll be able to see the book submission form on the Authors: Submit a Book page.